Friday, February 5, 2010

planning a facation

a facation is a fake vacation.

people it is February i have worked 60 plus hours... chip is working 7 days this week and i have class all weekend. all of this warrants me a few frivolously hours of planning a facation. it will aids in boosting the mid winter blues. i am in serious need of sunshine and no to do list. i will let you know where i am facationing by the end of classes this weekend.


The Armisteads said...

can i come?

Kelley said...

we're already there with her. I'm sunburned already, but y'all are still making sand castles.

facations are so much cheaper!

sidenote: there was a really tragic season of time where the local exxons had a sign for "Staycations" involving a deal for 2 for 1 hotdogs. That a staycation does not make.