Saturday, June 21, 2008

getting on your own nerves

so a few years ago while sitting around laudy some of us were wrestling with this worlds greater issues... when one of my dear friends said, "ahh i am getting on my own nerves." that is when i realized that the great feeling of frustration that wells up within myself when all i have done is think about myself is really just me "getting on my own nerves."

so this morning i was reading a little Oswald Chambers when i came across this entry on redemption... i think he does an outstanding job of putting words around this and within the greater context of scripture. simply put... i am redeemed and therefore i am taken care of so it is not necessary for me to keep my focus on myself.

well anyways... the past two days have been full to the hilt of me, my, i, mine and i have definitely reached the point of "getting on my own nerves." i may have missed the mark here in the details of interpretation ... but here is how he said it...

Launch out in reckless, unrestrained belief that the redemption is complete. Then don’t worry anymore about yourself, but begin to do as Jesus Christ has said, in essence, "Pray for the friend who comes to you at midnight, pray for the saints of God, and pray for all men." Pray with the realization that you are perfect only in Christ Jesus, not on the basis of this argument: "Oh, Lord, I have done my best; please hear me now."

How long is it going to take God to free us from the unhealthy habit of thinking only about ourselves? We must get to the point of being sick to death of ourselves, until there is no longer any surprise at anything God might tell us about ourselves. We cannot reach and understand the depths of our own meagerness. There is only one place where we are right with God, and that is in Christ Jesus. Once we are there, we have to pour out our lives for all we are worth in this ministry of the inner life.

- Oswald Chambers

definitely easier said than done... but what a great freedom!

Monday, June 16, 2008

green tea

green tea has served a great purpose in my life recently. i have been trying to drink more fresh brewed green tea because it is a great agent in balancing the pH levels of our bodies. so i have had mint green tea, mango green tea, acai berry green tea, plain green tea... and i do have to say i think it has been refreshing and rejuvenating and lets face it a pH balenced body is a happy body... insert smiling face...

it has also served me as my new local sushi eatery... here is what makes it great... it is the Chinese food restaurant of my parents choice and they seem to be celebraties there or maybe it is that my sweet little southern mom has become best friends with all of them. she has shared with them her favorite place to go blackberry picking... her favorite place go on walks... and even her favorite grocery store for the best produce... i would not even be shocked if she has made them all pound cake and or asked them to dinner later this week. well when i walked in a team of employees stormed us at the door shook our hands and took us right to the "usual" booth. but really what makes this place a cut above is the fact that... not only do they have great sushi... but they have Chinese and Thai food... and they do it all right! it is just a little one stop shop if you ask me. the clincher is that the Chinese food apparently trumps the sushi and Thai by the gesture of a fortune cookie at the end of your meal.

i love fortune cookies... i always let the others that are with me take theirs because then i feel like the one that is left was meant for me. well tonight i had a great fortune... it read, "you will step foot on the soil of many countries." that fortune makes me one happy girl.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Father's Day Tribute to Daddy Warbucks

moving home...

meet my new roommates! i have recently move home to georgia... and when i say i moved home i not only mean to the state that i lived in for roughly fourteen years i also mean i moved in with my parents. many thing have prompted this decision and it is a blessing to be able to return. this blessing comes with both joy and akwardness... so it should provide many opportunities for me to write and share with you daily snips in this ever changing ever challenging and ever entertaining life...

like the wii my father recently got... i am sure i will be keeping you up to date with triumphs and victories... as today after church i boxed in four matches and three of them were KNOCK OUTS! last night i played golf and well there is some room for improvement but then i went bowling and whipped up on my sister with a score of 210 or something like that... with the spirit of the olympics in the air one could say i have aquired the fire and i am yet again training.

training leads me back to another fire that has been aquired and that is running or lets call it jogging... i have picked it back up as a means to keep the peace, provide free entertainment, and shead the lbs that were put on during the stress of this winter... bring it on... some days i can run just a mile or two other days i feel like i could just keep going on to nashville... i should keep track of my millage and see how many days it would take me... okay so i have rambled now...

on this fathers day sunday that can be joyful for some and painful for others i leave you with our closing hymn from church... for it is our Heavenly Father who is our only HOPE for our broken and unsatisfied hearts...

How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss; the Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons to glory.

Behold the Man upon the cross, my sin upon His shoulders;
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life--I know that it is finished.

I will not boast in anything--no gifts, no pow'r, no wisdom--
But I will boast in Jesus Christ; His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer;
But this I know with all my heart--His wounds have paid my ransom.