Saturday, February 28, 2009

time to move out...

so... my niece banks (5) and nephew hutch (18mos) are in town and we are having a blast.
yesterday the sign came down from GOD that it is time to move out when... banks asked my mom (nana) if she ever left me at home alone...?

after 11 years of independence followed by 8 months of living at home ... it is time!

off to search for an apartment...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

class pet

so yesterday when i went to walmart to get some more theraflu i picked up two class pets.
________________ and ______________ they don't have names yet... i am guessing i will let my students do the naming???

Monday, February 16, 2009

Am I... will I be Al Pacino in this scenario?

so i saw he's just not that into you tonight. i expected to cozy up with shin guards and helmet and see a flick that berated girls and women for the actions we take when we like/obsess over a guy. however, i found balance... a great balancing act of the reality of love/cultural norms mixed with all the freaky emotions and stalking that goes on...

it was like debbie downer meets jeff arch and nora ephron (writers/producers of sleepless in seattle). i feel like it might have actually gotten close to capturing a romantic comedy in the light of reality but without abandoning the magic of motion pictures.

it is not as profound (also heavy or gut digging) as the painted veil which you must see if you have not... but on the pop culture side of things it gets the job done.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

hair product

so i need a new hair product to aid me on the days when i let my hair go curly... the current product i am using claims it will not make your hair crunchy... but what it doesn't tell you is that it makes your hair REAL oily. i feel trapped by my hair.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

theraflu, pops, and sunshine

yesterday i wandered to publix... not sure i would make it there... picked up the first box that hinted a relief for any one symptom... theraflu and a big box of popsicles... ate the popsicles first then took the theraflu... passed out... woke up feeling better but not great... the sun was shining so i did a little porch sitting... my dad came and joined me ... and i have to say for the first time in the past 4 days i am feeling like i am on the road to victory over this thing we call the flu.


Friday, February 6, 2009

the flu has moved into my body...

ouch... the flu has moved into my body and i want out. it hurts everywhere... everywhere... my jaw... knees... neck... shins... hair... ouch.

daytime tv that i often dream about being home and cozy to watch ... is NOT all that good. it the same $#*! different hour throughout the morning and early afternoon.
