Friday, August 27, 2010

the I is for IRRESISTABLE!

two years ago today... was the day that my dad had 13 hours of surgery (post 3 months of chemo) to remove the cancer and effected organs from his body. it has been a long haul for him, with many changes but he is now 2 years without cancer (WOOHOO!) and multiple months without infection (please pray that this will continue).

he is a full time golfer husband, granddad and soon to be even more of a grand dad... he is my daddy Michael I. McCoy (the I is for IRRESISTIBLE!)


Jill said...

Hi Sarah June!

I've been meaning to send a big "congrats!" your way on your big news. How wonderful. I love following your blog and seeing your dad's smiling face. Glad to hear all is well with the McCoys.

Love, Jill (Anderson)

steal magnolias said...

thanks jill! i hope all is well with you... your children are beautiful. wish we were still flying back and forth in the summer to catch up.

good to hear from you.