Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So... it is naptime... ahhhh it is quiet for the  moment.  Unlike my younger years when I spent time suffering from F.O.M.A. (Fear Of Missing Out) ... I now struggle with F.O.W.U. (Fear Of Waking Up).  Sometimes I cannot go to sleep because I know the moment I drift off one of my loves will wake up... normally screaming. 

So ... I have not completed my goal of starting or completing a piece of art this week.  If I type a blog entry it will auto save if I start painting I run the risk of being covered in paint... and having my paint dry up before I can return to it... let alone the  moment of inspiration... will be gone.  Maybe I need to bring it back in a different medium... craypas.... or just the crayons that are sitting on the miniature table in the middle of my kitchen.

God is Great... My Boys Are A Blessing and I Need To Think OUTSIDE The Box...  Oh wait there calls my Mac.

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