Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So... it is naptime... ahhhh it is quiet for the  moment.  Unlike my younger years when I spent time suffering from F.O.M.A. (Fear Of Missing Out) ... I now struggle with F.O.W.U. (Fear Of Waking Up).  Sometimes I cannot go to sleep because I know the moment I drift off one of my loves will wake up... normally screaming. 

So ... I have not completed my goal of starting or completing a piece of art this week.  If I type a blog entry it will auto save if I start painting I run the risk of being covered in paint... and having my paint dry up before I can return to it... let alone the  moment of inspiration... will be gone.  Maybe I need to bring it back in a different medium... craypas.... or just the crayons that are sitting on the miniature table in the middle of my kitchen.

God is Great... My Boys Are A Blessing and I Need To Think OUTSIDE The Box...  Oh wait there calls my Mac.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Is Blogging Over For Me....?

While it has been too long since I posted... I do not want to think that this blog is over.

I have been and continue to be busy growing and raising boys.  I am realizing though that with marriage followed three months later by the news that we  were expected... mixed with getting my masters... working in a more than full time job... I have let some things go that I enjoy.  These things include art... exercise... outdoor adventure... and self expression.  I  know this blog is way more for me than for anyone else.

Today I am excited to bring this blog back ... quickly followed by a load of laundry ... with then high  hopes of strapping one child to me while my extra tall three year old attempts to ride in the stroller. 
If naptime is good to us then I just might break out the old easel.

Happy Summer!