anna my little sister at the age of approximatly 4 classified this delectable road side treat as "wet nuts". they were eatten at ball games... on family trips... and throughout the summer months. this morning i ate them for breakfast. they did not disapoint.
oh this has made my day. i was just saying to a friend last night on the phone how much i love big nuts, and if they're wet, well gosh, that's even better!
so once upon a time i would steal magnolias. i go out on great occasion and "prune" the trees in order to share their great glory. now i am blessed to have one in my yard.
(and you)
oh this has made my day. i was just saying to a friend last night on the phone how much i love big nuts, and if they're wet, well gosh, that's even better!
i love steal magnolias and orderly conduct too.
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