i leisurely loaded up the car... popped in my latest spring break mix entitled CHUCK TOWN SPRING BREAK 2009 ... and headed to charleston. i had alot to sort through as i drove but contiously avoided it but talking on the PHONE about 4 of the 4.5 hours.... MARGARET and ALLISON got my verbal diarriah later...
well i arrived in charleston meeting anxious to spend time with allison (funny she also lives in atlanta... but because life has been so crazy latley we have not seen each other... but spring break 09 will fix that). i powdered my nose and jumped in her car and we headed downtown to go to BASIL... mmm PAD THAI ... yUm! the best part was that there was a wait so we walked down to a little bar that was having a great HaPpY hOuR and sat in the window (SITTING IN WINDOW = GOOD PEOPLE WATCHING... i love sitting in the window ... i love people watching). margie/margaret met up with us as well as their old friend/my new friend FRAN. dinner was GREAT full of fun FRIENDS, engaging STORIES and delicious FOOD.
to top it off... margaret made fresh BROWNIE sundays with BREYERS mint chocolate chip ice cream... the brownies were still warm... YUM! the GLORY of SUNDAYS and the gracious joy the LORD gives us on this day to BREAK the FAST. he also gave me margie and allison... who post brownies in true slumber party fashion... helped me begin to sort through some of my thoughts and mental preoccupations.
it may not be a tropical spring break but it has been and i hope it continues to be a break full of reconnection and restoration.
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