Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trust in HIM at all times.
Pour your heart out before HIM.
God is your refuge.
Psalm 62:8

the last 24ish hours have been eventful.

the greatest news we heard was that the chemo was successful because it did not show up in the lymph nodes or the bladder. they did find some cells in the prostate but they are confident but since it is removed it should not be an issue.

Dr. Moses said it the best, "Mike... the cancer... IT is in a bucket somewhere not in your body." The tangible image of this brings me GREAT comfort.

yesterday dad started running a fever, and he had an irregular heart beat. the home health nurse said she thought it might be an infection and she thought it would be a good idea to get it checked out. so dad went back to Emory.

in the beginning they were thinking pneumonia and after x rays they wanted to rule out blood clots so they did a ct scan with contrast. the scans showed clots in both his lungs and one leg. so he is check back in to Emory and they are treating him with a blood thinner and monitoring him as this teeters on the healing process of his surgery.

we are all SO thankful for the good news! the set back of the clotting is in God's hands.

how thankful i am that the Lord has placed you in my life. your prayers and encouragements are the GREATEST comfort and strength.

while the image of the cancer being in a bucket is one of comfort and victory. the image of the Lord caring for us throught this and giving us just what we need for each day has expanded my perspective. my perspective of Him and the truths proclaimed in scripture have become even more real.


Kelley said...

june- i'm praying! the clot thing scares me but i know God is not surprised and is at work. i love you and i'm going to call tomorrow. OR WE CAN SKYPE!!!


The Armisteads said...

so glad to see an update. praying for yall.

kelley...wanna come over and we can all skype?

its almost somebody's just saying