Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Father

i found this image today.  it is always good to be reminded of the TRUTH.  our Father's promises are so rich and broad... it has been great to be reminded of His life changing TRUTHS.  in a world full of fluff, chaos and shifting sands it is nice to be reminded of the Solid Rock we can stand on.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A new app for a new year...

I have located google's blog app and downloaded it.  Blogging just got easier.  Woohoo!

been drinking from a fire hydrant

the last few months have been some great months. many great milestones have happened in all of our lives and much happiness has ensued. noble stays on the move... pulling up on everything... curious about everything... hugging everything and waving to everyone. we celebrated 3 years of freedom from cancer for my dad. we celebrated the simple life changing joys that freedom brings. we ushered in deer season (2 down and the freezer is full). we gallivanted in the mountains taking in the first gulps of fresh fall air.

working and trying to take in all life's goodness has been hard and exhausting but GOD IS ALWAYS FAITHFUL. life's challenge is to not be sidetracked by the busy, chaos and forget the powerful promises and simple truths that our GOD has proclaimed.

God has been teaching me to not look back at my life what it was... or what i thought it was... and make comparissons but rather to look forward because HE is doing a NEW THING. as i celebrate and reflect my 33 years on this earth ... i am looking into my 34th year with a new perspecitive... my HOPE grounded in the Lord and sitting on the edge of my chair open to the NEW THING.

"Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

home projects and the love of summer

so as i move past the middle marker of summer i want to get my home projects done... for when the school bell rings everything else gets pushed to the side. however i cannot stop kissing sweet noble's cheek's. if i would just put him in the moby wrap i could finish these projects and kiss his cheek's at the same time.

here is my to do list:
- finish window panels - completed yesterday
- refinish dresser as tv console (so noble does not get to the dangerous stuff...)
- frame mirror in master bath and guest/noble's bath
- refinsh kitchen cabinets (in my mind this is TOO big for this summer so it will probably be delayed to summer 2012)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just In Case... You Spill Paint on Carpet/Rug

so my mom brought me two recycled jelly jars full of two paint colors she loves. i was going to potentially use one of these colors to refinish some mirrors tables... etc... due to teething taking precedence over painting they were put in a basket by the basement door to go downstairs... over night one of them slowly dripped on my carpet forming a POOL of brownness... just what i needed and then cue in noble's new HIGH pitched scream.

i cursed loudly in leslie's ear as she was the lucky dear friend on the phone with me. strung together a few other choice words and swore i would never keep paint in the house AGAIN! (maybe i should have sworn to not put off putting paints in the basement.)

then i found a great fountain of information on carpet cleaning. thank you ehow and thank you hoda and cathy lee for WINESDAY WEDNESDAY!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jesus Calling: June 17th

Learn to laugh at yourself more freely. Don't take yourself or your circumstances so seriously. Relax and know that I am God With You. When you desire My will above all else, life becomes much less threatening. Stop trying to monitor My responsibilities - things that are beyond your control. Find freedom by accepting the boundaries of your domain.

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me. My yoke is comfortable and pleasant; My burden is light and easy borne. " Matthew 11;28-30

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

6 month... (almost posted on time)

I have lost his cute onsie stickers... I think they might have gone to the Goodwill... oops!

I am on the GO GO GO now that I am Crawling... Woohoo!

Happy BOY!

Noble's First Trip to Savannah

A stroll downtown on River Street.

A quick peek at the ocean before the rains came...

Post a BIG icecream cone on the pier.

Noble likes the what he sees.

First Mothers Day

I love being a mom. I am so thankful for Noble he has changed our lives in so many GREAT ways. His personality is coming out a little more these last few weeks and it is so fun to watch. I never thought that being a mom would be so much work but then again I never knew it would be this GREAT of a blessing. I love you Noble.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 month pictures (taken on time posted a month late).... 6 month to come tomorrow...

i am slowly coming back to life. working and having a precious little one is like having 20 jobs or 5 children... so here is to the perk of summer!

Noble at 5 months...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Faithful Winter Friends and Signs of Spring

My Faithful Winter Friends.
And The Joyful Signs of Spring!

An Extra Early Morning Read

This morning Noble woke up rather early. After my third cup of coffee he fell asleep and the caffine would not allow me to join in on the morning nap. So, I caught up reading some favorite blogs and this was just what I needed to read.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


i love tea. i have since a young age. my aunt sylvia always drank it. since i was going to be traveling with her i figured i should learn to do so too. so i did and from the age of 12 i was sold. my first favorite was constant comment. which is still in my top 5.

i am currently enjoying cucumber white tea. it has a twist of lime and it is very nice on this spring like morning.

my favorite when i cannot sleep is of course sleepytime or something with camomille and when have a cough or cold it is yogi breath right tea. i also like tazo's refresh tea it is very minty. top 5 teas in no particular order are....

1. tazo: cucumber white

2. tazo: wild sweet orange

3. bigelow: constant comment

4. yogi: breath right

5. celestial seasons: sleepy time

Friday, February 25, 2011

Till I Only Dwell In The

If to distant lands I scatter
If I sail to farthest seas
Would you find and firm and gather
'til I only dwell in Thee?
If I flee from greenest pastures
Would you leave to look for me?
Forfeit glory to come after
'Til I only dwell in Thee

If my heart has one ambition
If my soul one goal to seek
This my solitary vision
'til I only dwell in Thee
That I only dwell in Thee'
Til I only dwell in Thee

- Brooke Fraser

Monday, February 7, 2011


(older picture)

i stayed in my pjs and held noble all day with many bouts of uncontrollable tears. he has been my side kick for 8 weeks (plus 9 months). i will soon be leaving my wing man for the school house again and the thought of it makes me want to throw up... but "people" keep telling me it just won't be that bad. so i shall put on my BIG GIRL PANTS and press on.

is it okay if i wake him up in the night just to play? i can be thankful for summer vacation... how many more days? let the count down begin.

Friday, January 21, 2011

my favorite things

noble is growing and changing soooo quickly. my favorite things about him now are soon to morph into different favorite things but i want to remember these favorite things. so... i want to list them so i can come back and remember them.

in no particular order...
- the way he pokes his bottom lip out
- the way he makes a surprised shocked face (it says who did that... it certainly was not me)
- his new random smiles (that now have nothing to do with gas)
- the way he raises his hand like he has a question
- the way he does hand gestures like he is giving the state of the union address (but soon followed by my next favorite thing)
- oh his coos and baby sounds... they have my heart
- the way he pokes his bootie out when i hold him
- the way he cuddles under my chin
- his old man receding hair with the rats tail in the back
- the birth mark on his back that matches his daddy's
- his long toes that are just like his moms... (sorry Noble)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

one month old

Noble Meets Aunt Coco

last friday we had a great gift come to ball ground. aunt coco came and brought lots of love, support, advice, grace and dinner from a nashville staple. i thank God for dear friends who see your house a wreck and smell you after days of not showering...

evie and reba are on there way...

ball ground is thankful for nashville!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day Creations: Orville Redenbacher's® Meets Paula Deen

Pop your pop corn on the stove top old school style... trust me it is better! Then sprinkle with Paula Deen's House Seasoning. Perfect!

Paula Deen's House Seasoning
1 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder


(i just ate it for breakfast)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Noble and The Continuous Meet and Greet

Sweet Amanda

Uncle Shane and Aunt Jessica

Nanny (aka Momma Di) and BoomerSmokin Hot Aunt Anna
This is how I introduced her or refered to her while heavily drugged. I also attempted to set her up multiple times... she is smokin hot and a FABULOUS AUNT...
Anna I am sorry for my behavior you obviously do not need my help.

Pa and Daddy

Uncle Brad

Hutch and Banks
Moose and Bear

Susie and Randy

Lady Di and Momma Di
We have currently lost the camera... nice timing and have not been able to up load recent pictures... hope we find it soon... he is growing and changing soooooo quickly!