Friday, August 27, 2010

the I is for IRRESISTABLE!

two years ago today... was the day that my dad had 13 hours of surgery (post 3 months of chemo) to remove the cancer and effected organs from his body. it has been a long haul for him, with many changes but he is now 2 years without cancer (WOOHOO!) and multiple months without infection (please pray that this will continue).

he is a full time golfer husband, granddad and soon to be even more of a grand dad... he is my daddy Michael I. McCoy (the I is for IRRESISTIBLE!)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

eye opening inservice

don't have much time to write but just want to put this out there... will return to add details...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bridget Jones (the pregnant type) Loses Battle With Peanut Butter Moments Before Important Meeting

So last Monday, after much questioning... and debate... Meredith and I accepted the position of co-department chairs. We had to set our first meeting were we would be announced as well as conduct our first meeting together. Many people were in attendance from out administration and from the county office. I was not nervous that is until...

To back track 10 minutes prior to... Baby Nobel got REAL HUNGRY... and I say this because I had just eaten a bowl of cereal before I left the house. So I warmed up my english muffin with peanut butter. mmm... It smelled delicious and I new the protein would end the hunger pains... After 15 seconds in the microwave it was heavenly... I started down the stairs to the conference room... just cramming it in as I scurried down the hall... as I walked into the office the secretary told me that some people had already gone back... she complimented me on my outfit... however as i rounded the corner she said in the most charming southern voice... "my lands you have peanut butter all down the front of you" ... i looked down and sure enough... it was in my scarf... down my shirt... and skirt... i tried my best to clean up ... and then hide the stains with my also stained scarf... IT WAS DONE... but it was time. Not even a great smile could detract all eyes from knowing that I AM A BRIDGET JONES.

It did break the ice and make even the most studious colleague laugh... I was prepared and organized and I guess that trumped the smell of peanut butter and large stains with grease spots because yes... it was natural ground peanut butter.

Stay Tuned I feel as if this is just the beginning.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

well said.

i just could not have read this at a more appropriate time... nor could i have said it any better.

suzanne i wish you were my neighbor...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

paint the nursery ... CHECK

momma di came over for a slumber party on monday and painted painted the nursery yesterday. it is PERFECT!

i can be weird an picky about colors...

this one is brought to you by good ole ben moore and it is entitled "iceberg"

she is the BEST!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

chip fixed the dryer once and for all...

it went from a digital motherboard to a one switch wonder. . . there was drilling... sawing... and a mastermind plan. not only is he a hottie he gets the job done! sweet boy is busting it all day and fixing broken appliances by night. thanks! pictures to follow as soon as i find my camera.