so we finally did close... and chip and some fabulous guys he works with completed the heavy lifting portion. thank you to chip,
eddie, frank, and
travis! moving is more tough than you ever estimate but the reward now is great! we love our home. we love where it is and all that surrounds it.

our evenings consist of growing a garden (chip), piddling in the yard (me), fishing, strolling and sitting on a porch or domino's in the sun room. life has begun to calm down a bit. our days consist of chip working and my mom and i painting. my colors of choice have been senora gray and snail shell brown. i have two more rooms to decide upon and i am hoping to also paint the laundry room and basement something fun... but it is definitely not on the to do list any time soon. i am soaking up the freedom and rest in my last four days of summer.
tomorrow is a big day as we will get to see baby
thomas... i had my hair did yesterday so if by chance he/she can see me too i will look beautiful or just normal. i had postponed getting my hair cut and highlighted since
december. so chip is thankful too... it was getting rough.

so for the past few weeks i have been
staring at this little rocking chair praying for and wondering about who will one day fill it...? i am excited. i am thankful for my sweet chip who keeps me calm and loves me more than my hormones.
it has been a CRAZY summer, an OVERWHELMING summer and a BUSY summer but with all that has happened and the HOPE in all that the Lord is and will do I CANNOT COMPLAIN.