so i am suppose to have 1.5 more weeks left in my summer but this summer continues to put me in classes, courses, and meetings for my masters or for school... either way it is all for school.
i have been b*&^% about it all lately but last night i realized that in 2.5 weeks i will have a new set of students sitting in desks anticipating all that will happen this year... some what they will learn others more socially focused on what will happen... either way it is going to commence and i am excited.
in the last week i have started to have bits of excitement well up within me about the 180 days of learning that are in front of me for the 2009-2010 school year. i am particularly excited about teaching 2 intense reading courses. lessons and activities are swarming in my head.
i am a geek... i am a freak... i am a middle school teacher.
i have been b*&^% about it all lately but last night i realized that in 2.5 weeks i will have a new set of students sitting in desks anticipating all that will happen this year... some what they will learn others more socially focused on what will happen... either way it is going to commence and i am excited.
in the last week i have started to have bits of excitement well up within me about the 180 days of learning that are in front of me for the 2009-2010 school year. i am particularly excited about teaching 2 intense reading courses. lessons and activities are swarming in my head.
i am a geek... i am a freak... i am a middle school teacher.